AOJ0180 Stellar Performance of the Debunkey Family

問題リンク Stellar Performance of the Debunkey Family

  • 解法


  • ソース
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.Scanner;

//Stellar Performance of the Debunkey Family
public class AOJ0180 {

	static  class UnionFind {
		final int[] tree;
		int num;
		public UnionFind(int n) {
			this.tree = new int[n];
			Arrays.fill(tree, -1);

		// merge the set contains x and the set contains y
		void union(int x, int y) {
			x = root(x);
			y = root(y);
			if(x != y) {
				if(tree[x] < tree[y]) {
					x ^= y; y ^= x; x^= y;
				tree[x] += tree[y];
				tree[y] = x;
		// decide if x and y belong to the same set
		boolean find(int x, int y) {
			return root(x) == root(y);
		int root(int x) {
			return tree[x] < 0 ? x : (tree[x] = root(tree[x]));
		// return size of the set contains x
		int size(int x) {
			return -tree[root(x)];
		// return the number of sets
		int getNum() {
			return num;
	static class E implements Comparable<E>{
		int s, t, cost;
		public E(int s, int t, int cost) {
			this.s = s;
			this.t = t;
			this.cost = cost;
		public int compareTo(E o) {
			return cost-o.cost;
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
			int n = sc.nextInt();
			int m = sc.nextInt();
			PriorityQueue<E> q = new PriorityQueue<E>();
			while(m--!=0)q.add(new E(sc.nextInt(),sc.nextInt(),sc.nextInt()));
			UnionFind u = new UnionFind(n);
			int s = 0;
				E e = q.poll();
				if(!u.find(e.s, e.t)){
					u.union(e.s, e.t);